Compost Club

Once our mushrooms have finished fruiting we offer our spent substrate free for personal and community use.

Regular collections are available from the farm by appointment. If you'd like us to get in touch to arrange a collection, just fill in the form.
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What is spent substrate?

Our substrate is comprised of hardwood sawdust/wood chips, mycelium & usually some form of supplementation such as organic wheat bran, soy hulls or coffee grounds etc.
By the time the mushrooms have finished fruiting they have absorbed a lot of the nutrition but what remains has a high carbon content and generally hovers around ph neutral.
It would generally be considered brown matter. We've had folks use it to condition clay and poor soils, as a mulch, brown matter layer in no dig, raised and hugelkultur beds and for compost heaps.

Hot compost at
Kelvindale Growers Garden

Located only a stones throw from our farm, Angus at Kelvindale Growers Garden has a great tutorial for hot composting featuring some of our spent substrate:

Hugelkultur at Lambhill Stables

A Hugelkultur style bed at Lambhill Stables featuring a layer of our spent substrate (image 4).

Have you used our spent subsubstrate in your garden project?
Send in your photos and we'll post them here.

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